Car Ownership Transfer
Dear Valuable customers and friends,
First of all, we would like to express our profound thanks for visiting our website and reading all the terms and conditions contained in this article.
We are accredited by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to provide the services of Vehicle Ownership Transfer services for both Cambodians and foreigners residing in the Kingdom of Cambodia at affordable prices.
As usual, it will take at least between 2 to 4 months, it depends on the documents and the address of the previous owner, but we are the only ones who have a very good experience and good connection with the Ministry of Public Work and Transport and had never made a mistake in this type of business. Moreover, we not only had long experience over many years of legally doing the Vehicle Ownership Transfer, but knew all the tracks to go through to success to all vehicle users in all over the country.
To get started, you need to have the references and attachments as described below:
1. Car ID Card
2. Passport
3. Two pieces of passport photo size
4. Bi-yearly Certificate of Motor Vehicle Technical Inspection from last year
6. We require a car for half day preferably in the morning for taking it into the Ministry of Public Work and Transport for taking the Chassis and Engine Numbers
7. Price $___/___ depends on the year, model, and horsepower of the vehicle
We look forward with pleasure to have a great chance to fruitfully serve you in the near future.
If you need any additional assistance related to your personal needs or work or as a company or organization, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can really help solve all your problems or needs.
Monday to Saturday - Sunday is holiday!
Morning: 08:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Afternoon: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (For Lyna-CarRental.Com official holidays are 12 days per year).
1. International New Year Day 1 January (1 day)
2. Cambodian New Year Days 14-16 April (3 days)
3. National Pchum Ben Days . . . September (3 days)
4. Water Festival Days . . . November (3 days)
5. Christmas Days 25 December (1 day)
Room No. 9C2 | 9th Floor H Silver Building
No. 430 | Street 271 | Tumnop Teuk | Chamcarmon
Phnom Penh | Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 (0) 12 55 42 47 (Cambodian)
Tel: +855 (0) 12 924 517 (English)
Tel: +855 (0) 92 14 30 14 (Office)
Have A Wonderful Stay In Cambodia!
Service Fee($)
- 0.00