Our Service Detail
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Car General Checkup

Dear Valuable customers and friends,

First of all, we would like to express our profound thanks for visiting our website and reading all the terms and conditions contained in this article.

Lyna-Garage.Com provides general technical and operational inspection services for both engine and undercarriage, as well as A B C D periodic maintenance services for all types of vehicles. This service is only available in Phnom Penh and at a reasonable price.

General Checkup is always FREE of Charge!
We provide a comprehensive inspection service for types of vehicles, using the latest diagnostic technology combined with our expertise with years of experience rather than the following skills: (1). Mechanics, (2). Suspension System Experts (3). Gearbox/Transmission Box (automatic and manual), (4). Electrician (5). Knocker/Welder and painters.

Servicing the vehicles at Lyna-Garage.Com includes checking the following components:

•    Air Filter (Induction Air Filter Replacement)
•    Radiator, Reservoir, Coolant and Hoses (Pipes)
•    Washers, Wipers and Quality of the Washer Blades
•    Engine Oil and Filter
•    Brake Fluid Level and Quality
•    Performance of Gearbox/Transmission, Rear Axle, Transfer Fluid Quality
•    Power Steering Fluid Quality
•    Battery Terminals and Leads
•    Auxiliary Drive Belts
•    Vacuum Pump and Valves
•    Brake System Discs, Pads and Drums
•    Handbrake Mechanism
•    Tire Conditions, Tread Depth including Spare Tire, and Wheel nuts
•    Timing Belt Quality
•    Fuel Feed Lines
•    Doors Check, Straps and Hinges
•    Exterior/Interior Respective Control Lights, and Warning Gauges
•    Hood Latch and Safety Catch
•    Ignition, Spark Plugs, and Glow Plugs
•    Pollen Filter Replacement
•    Service Interval Indicator
•    Underbody Condition: Suspension Linkages, Ball/CV Joints, Tie-Rods Set, Driveshafts, Gaiter, Prop shafts, and Boots
It is very important to provide your car inspection service at a specific time to maintain the quality of the car's mechanical system, reduce serious wear and tear, which will reduce your costs or save you money on long time period. According to our long-time experience, problems related to system corrosion often occur due to a lack of periodic or technical insufficient inspections, which can cause severe wear and tear on machine components.

Contact Lyna-Garage.Com to schedule a specific of a periodical maintenance or inspections with a  powerful diagnostic technology tool by our highly skilled experts.

Please call us any time during working hours and days.
Should you require any further assistance either it is related to your personal or official ones, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always at your disposal. 

Monday to Saturday - Sunday is holiday!

Morning: 08:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Afternoon: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (For Lyna-CarRental.Com official holidays are 12 days per year).
1. International New Year Day    1 January (1 day)
2. Cambodian New Year Days    14-16 April (3 days)
3. National Pchum Ben Days     . . . September (3 days)
4. Water Festival Days              . . . November (3 days)
5. Christmas Days                    25 December (1 day)
Room No. 9C2 | 9th Floor H Silver Building 
No. 430 | Street 271 | Tumnop Teuk | Chamcarmon 
Phnom Penh | Kingdom of Cambodia

E-mail: info@cambotransportclub.com
Tel: +855 (0) 12 55 42 47 (Cambodian)
Tel: +855 (0) 12 924 517 (English)
Tel: +855 (0) 92 14 30 14 (Office)

Service Fee($)

  • 0.00
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