Bi-yearly Motor Vehicle Technical Inspection
Dear Valuable customers and friends,
First of all, we would like to express our profound thanks for visiting our website and reading all the terms and conditions contained in this article.
Lyna-Garage.Com offers an affordable price for the services to get your vehicle for bi-yearly Vehicle Motor Technical Inspection (MOT) services.
Bi-yearly Vehicle Motor Technical Inspection (MOT)
Lyna-Garage.Com not only has many years of experience in car repair and maintenance, but we are also accredited by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to get your car inspected every two years throughout Cambodia.
It is the duty of every car owner to have the vehicle inspected regularly every two years to ensure that the vehicle is healthy and safe to drive on the public road for you and your own family.
Bi-Yearly Vehicle Motor Technical inspection (MOT) is not only so important to know the proper operation of the engine, accessories, healthy engine, car safety, tires safety, but also during the receipt of your car for MOT, Lyna-Garage.Com has a standard to inspect and do a test drive to ensure that your vehicle is safe to drive on the public road.
Bi-Yearly Vehicle Motor Technical Inspection (MOT) will require an evaluation and testing of your vehicle, which includes several key components:
■ Braking System,
■ Exhaust Emission,
■ Exhaust System,
■ Lights System,
■ Seat Belts System,
■ Steering and/or Power Steering,
■ Suspension System, and
■ Tire Conditions and Tread Depth.
Vehicles that have no MOT sticker are not allowed to drive on public roads unless there are special exceptions. After the inspection, if any components or system are found to be defective, the officer in charge of the inspection will advise you to change or repair immediately, otherwise your car will not be allowed to drive on the public road.
The documents requirements are:
1. Car ID Card
2. Passport
3. Four pieces of photos 4 x 6
4. Bi-yearly Certificate of Motor Vehicle Technical Inspection from last year
6. We require a car for half day preferably in the morning for taking it to the Ministry of Public Work and Transport for taking the Chassis and Engine Numbers
7. Price $___/___ depends on the year, model, and horsepower of the vehicle
If your vehicle fails (MOT) service, Lyna-Garage.Com have the equipment in the garage to repair or restore it properly and take it to do the Bi-Yearly Vehicle Motor Technical Inspection again.
Please call us during business hours and every working day. We look forward to serving you with pleasure and fruitfulness in the near future.
Thank you!
Monday to Saturday - Sunday is holiday!
Morning: 07:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Afternoon: 01:30 PM to 05:00 PM
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (For Lyna-CarRental.Com official holidays are 12 days per year).
1. International New Year Day 1 January (1 day)
2. Cambodian New Year Days 14-16 April (3 days)
3. National Pchum Ben Days . . . September (3 days)
4. Water Festival Days . . . November (3 days)
5. Christmas Days 25 December (1 day)
#132, Intersection Streets 430 | 432 | 173
Sangkat Tumnop Teuk
Khan Chamcarmon
Phnom Penh
Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 (0) 12 55 42 47 (Cambodian)
Tel: +855 (0) 12 924 517 (English)
Tel: +855 (0) 92 14 30 14 (Office)
Have A Wonderful Stay In Cambodia!
Service Fee($)
- 0.00