Vehicle Insurance Quotation
Vehicle Insurance Quotation Assistance
Dear Valuable customers and friends,
First of all, we would like to express our profound thanks for visiting our website and reading all the terms and conditions contained in this article.
We are offering the service of obtaining Vehicle Insurance Quotations for different local insurance companies, mainly focusing on the foreign private companies, embassies, NGO, OI and UN agencies for whom are residing in Cambodia and/or working and/or living in the Kingdom of Cambodia at a reasonable price.
Currently, there are 6 insurance companies in the Kingdom of Cambodia. They are:
1. Asia Insurance Company (International Company)
2. Forte Insurance Company (Local Company)
3. Infinity Insurance Company (Local Company)
4. Kampu Insurance Company (Local Company)
5. CVI Insurance Company (Vietnamese Company)
6. CAMINCO Insurance Company (Local Company)
They have different policies and benefits. We class them at the following:1st class is Asia Insurance, 2nd class is Forte Insurance, 3rd Campu Insurance. It would be better to obtain 3 quotations from these three different companies.
1. Car ID Card
2. Copy of your passport
3. Insurance Premium amount
In the article …. of the General Department of Public Work and Transport of the Kingdom of Cambodia, mentioned that “all the vehicles must be covered by the insurance policy” of the insurance company.
Should you require any further information regarding the above-mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always at your disposal.
Yours truly,
Lyna Tan (Mrs)
Monday to Saturday - Sunday is holiday!
Morning: 08:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Afternoon: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (For Lyna-CarRental.Com official holidays are 12 days per year).
1. International New Year Day 1 January (1 day)
2. Cambodian New Year Days 14-16 April (3 days)
3. National Pchum Ben Days . . . September (3 days)
4. Water Festival Days . . . November (3 days)
5. Christmas Days 25 December (1 day)
Room No. 9C2 | 9th Floor H Silver Building
No. 430 | Street 271 | Tumnop Teuk | Chamcarmon
Phnom Penh | Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 (0) 12 55 42 47 (Cambodian)
Tel: +855 (0) 12 924 517 (English)
Tel: +855 (0) 92 14 30 14 (Office)
Have A Wonderful Stay In Cambodia!
Service Fee($)
- 0.00