1. Foreign Customers with their Cambodian or International Driver's Licenses
In this case, the customers must present their Driver’s Licenses as a proof to our Lyna-CarRental front-desk on the arrival.
2. Conditions Imposed to the customers when hiring a car for a self-drive
The customers need to leave their valid passport with the valid entry business visa at the Lyna-CarRental’s office in exchange of taking out the rented car for securing our car in case it will be lost during the renting period. This is required by the insurance company.
3. Refundable Deposit for the self-drive customers
The Refundable Deposit (RD) amount is between $500.00 to $1,000.00 according to the years and models of the vehicles with the deposit of a valid passport.
4. Car Damage and Rescue
The car damage within the coverage areas of 50km limitation from Phnom Penh radius, the rescue is free of charge. Beyond the 50km away from Phnom Penh radius, the customer will be responsible to pay for fixing and payment for all the related costs. In the contrary, if the customer does not want to get it repaired at the spot, the customer can get it towed to Phnom Penh. In this case, the customer will pay only for the towing fee whereas the owner will have to be responsible for getting it repaired or restored.
5. Cambodian Driver’s License for e-Visa or Tourist Visa
e-Visa or Tourist Visa cannot have access to Cambodian Driver's License. In this case, the customer cannot rent a car for his/her self-drive within insurance coverage. Please always ask for the Business Visa on the arrival at the airport's checkpoint or at any land checkpoint at the border. The Business Visa costs just $5.00 different from e-Visa or Tourist Visa. The customer must always ask for Business Visa, because the customer never knows what will happen, and the customer will be recommended to delay the trip and to stay more than one month in Cambodia. In another case, the customer can also ask to extend the Business Visa for one month or one year more for staying or looking for a job in Cambodia.
As there are many types of International Driver's Licenses, Lyna-CarRental Management Team takes two of them for consideration:
- 6.1. Convention On Road Traffic Dated 8 November 1968
This convention is not acceptable for the Royal Government of Cambodia as it did not mention the names of the countries which allow the holder of this driver’s license to drive a car in Cambodia.
In the case that the bearer had this one on hand, and then would like to drive a car in Cambodia, the bearer may have to take a car for a self-drive at his/her own risk and without insurance coverage.
- 6.2. Convention On Road Traffic Dated 19 September 1949
This convention is acceptable for the Royal Government of Cambodia as it mentions the name of the countries which allow the holder of this driver’s license to drive a car in Cambodia.
If the holder would like to do a self-drive, please take this one from your country. It is very useful in Cambodia for a self-drive as it is inside the insurance coverage.
- 7.1 The quoted prices shown on the internet did not include fuel – Firstly, Lyna-CarRental Management Team supplies the customer with full tank of fuel.
- 7.2 The customer will load it in tank when necessary. On the last day of the service, the customer is required to refill the full tank.
- 7.3 Unlimited Mileages: Locations and destinations do not matter. The customer may go as far as he/she likes.
- 7.4 Petrol: The grade must be 95 (Super, Gold or Excellium) as recommended by the respective stations such as PTT, CALTEX, and TOTAL, and must not be of other grades sold elsewhere.
- 7.5 Diesel: The customer can buy it from any station except the one loaded in bottle or
can sold elsewhere.
- 8.1 The customer can pay via cash/check/credit/master card to Tan Lyna (Ms), the business owner of Lyna-CarRental.
- 8.2 For daily or monthly rental, the customer is required to pay in advance the rental fee in full amount plus refundable deposit and surcharge, if any. For the payment delay, the customer shall bear the extra payment of 17% over the total payment.
- 8.3 In case of monthly rental extension or the rental of more than one month, the customer is required to pay in advance again for the next rental fee in full amount and surcharge, if any, on the same day of the initial Vehicle Rental Agreement signature. For the payment delay, the customer shall bear the extra payment of 17% over the total payment.
- 9.1. The supplied vehicle shall be in good condition, with a full tank of fuel, equipped with spare wheel, lifting jack, tools and wheel spanner. The customer shall return the vehicle with the same level of fuel and the same condition as it was. We strongly recommend the mere use of premium recognized brand of fuel and lubricants.
- 9.2. The customer shall pay USD1,000.00 to the owner as a down payment as a security deposit (Refundable Deposit) for either daily or monthly rental fee before the delivery of vehicle(s) by cash or by Credit Cards (Visa, Western Union, and/or ACLEDA Unity) at Lyna-CarRental Office for the car reservation. The security deposit is intended for preventing any breach against the rental agreement. When all obligations of customer under the rental agreement are completely performed, the security deposit shall be returned to customer in 100 per cent, if no any breach against of the rental agreement is committed.
- 9.3. The Lyna-CarRental coverage areas are about 50Km from Phnom Penh.
- 9.4. All vehicles shall be insured by the insurance company in Cambodia only for comprehensive insurance coverage which includes:
- 9.4.1. Third Party Liability (TPL)
- 9.4.2. Own Damage (OD),
- 9.4.3. Theft
- 9.4.4. Passenger Liability (PL), and
- 9.4.5. Accident to the Driver (AD)
- 9.5. An insurance excess/deductible is between US$50.00 to US$100.00 per case of accident.
- 9.6. In case of vehicle loss or stolen, the customer shall pay an additional 20% of the vehicle insurance cost.
- 9.7. When the rented vehicle is damaged within the coverage areas of 50km from Phnom Penh radius, Lyna-CarRental shall replace it with another one of the same rental fee without extra charge.
- 9.8. In the event that the rented vehicle is damaged by traffic accident or unintentional damage beyond the Lyna-CarRental coverage area, a car replacement fee shall be paid with the amount of USD0.7 per kilometer according to the distance in kilometer indicated by the mileage counter.
10. The customer shall pay for the repair fee set by the owner if the damage or loss of any car parts is caused by the customer’s mistakes/guilts in the areas which are not covered by the insurance company.
11. Any car parts loss which is not included in the insurance policy will be covered by the customer. The customer shall pay the owner on the excessive loss within 5-working days, and the late payment shall be charged at 17% of the total annual payment.
12. During the rental period, the rented car shall be maintained and inspected at the garage assigned by the owner at least once a month for general checkup and necessary repair or replacement.
13. Customer shall use and operate the rented vehicle only in his/her normal business operation, namely within the loading capacity of the vehicle, and in accordance with governmental traffic laws and regulations.
14. The rented vehicles shall be used only by skilled drivers, in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions without abuse whereas the customer shall not make any modification, alteration or addition to the vehicles without the written consent expressed by the owner.
15. Customer shall be responsible for the expense to maintain the vehicles in good operating condition on both motor and appearance. The customer shall take into account the normal wear and tear of the vehicle which is under the customer’s control. The customer shall be cautious to prevent damage, injury or theft with regard to the vehicles.
16. The owner observes the rights at any case to carry out inspection of the rented vehicle. In case of actual of negligent or abuse from part of the customer, the owner has the rights to terminate the rental agreement, and all the related cost must be paid by customer.
17. At the end of the daily vehicle using, the vehicle must be parked at the customer’s parking lot. This location shall not be changed without prior notification to the owner.
18. Both delivery and return time of the rented vehicle shall be accepted by the owner. The customer shall bear the entire risk of loss, damage, theft, robbery and destruction of the vehicles. No loss, damage, theft or destruction of the vehicles shall ever relieve the customer’s obligations in accordance with the rental agreement. The customer shall promptly notify the owner in written form on any loss, damage, theft, robbery or destruction of the vehicle.
19. According to the terms and conditions of the vehicle rental agreement, the rented vehicles, shall remain in the possession and under the control of the customer, and shall not be sublet to or reused by any third party. Meanwhile, the rights and obligations of the customer under the rental agreement shall not be assigned to anyone else.
20. The customer shall indemnify and hold the owner harmless from any liability, loss, injury, damage, cost and expense (including all taxes, duties, registrations, tickets, registration fees, and attorney’s fees) of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the vehicles. This indemnity shall not be affected by reason of the termination of the rental agreement.
21. The customer is prohibited to take out a rented car to another country without any owner's authorization.
22. Using the rented vehicle for unlawful purposes is strictly prohibited by Lyna-CarRental, and the customer shall be liable to all charges in accordance with the law of the Royal Government of Cambodian.
23. The owner reserves the rights to take the rented vehicles back at any time if the customer fails to perform his/her obligations or the terms and conditions of the vehicle rental agreement.
24. The guarantor (if any) shall be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the vehicle rental agreement in case any problem caused by the customer.
25. Upon completion of the rental term, if the customer fails to return the rented vehicles, the vehicle rental agreement will automatically be renewed on daily basis. The daily rate will be accordingly based on the rental type as mentioned in the vehicle rental agreement or as determined by the owner. This is applicable until the rental vehicle is returned to owner.
26. PROHIBITION: No smoke and no transportation of seafood, and durian in the rented vehicle are allowed. No vehicle window opening is allowed while driving on the dusty/bad smell road. Otherwise, the customer will be fined by the vehicle owner.
No Durian allowed. US$100.00 will be imposed.
No Smoking allowed. US$100.00 will be imposed.
No Seafood allowed. US$100.00 will be imposed.
No Open the windows while driving on the dusty road. US$100.00 will be imposed.
Loss of key – USD80.00 including remote controller re-installation
Weekday: Monday – Saturday
Weekend: Sunday is closed
Working Hours: 08h00 - 17h00
Terms and Conditions for a Self-drive
- Foreign Customers with their National Driver’s License
If the foreign customers have only National Driver’s License, he/she cannot drive by himself/herself unless he/she has to get it temporarily converted to the Cambodian Driver’s License by himself/herself at the General Department of Public Work and Transport which is located about 15 kilometers from our office.
In the contrary, if he/she has an International Driver’s License, he/she can hire a car for a self-drive without the need to have it temporarily converted.
- Foreign Customers with their Cambodian or International Driver's Licenses
In this case, the customers must present their Driver’s Licenses as a proof to our Lyna-CarRental front-desk on the arrival.
- Conditions Imposed to the customers when hiring a car for a self-drive
The customers need to leave their valid passport with the valid entry business visa at the Lyna-CarRental’s office in exchange of taking out the rented car for securing our car in case it will be lost during the renting period. This is required by the insurance company.
- Refundable Deposit for the self-drive customers
The Refundable Deposit (RD) amount is between $500.00 to $1,000.00 according to the years and models of the vehicles with the deposit of a valid passport.
- Car Damage and Rescue
The car damage within the coverage areas of 50km limitation from Phnom Penh radius, the rescue is free of charge. Beyond the 50km away from Phnom Penh radius, the customer will be responsible to pay for fixing and payment for all the related costs. In the contrary, if the customer does not want to get it repaired at the spot, the customer can get it towed to Phnom Penh. In this case, the customer will pay only for the towing fee whereas the owner will have to be responsible for getting it repaired or restored.
- Cambodian Driver’s License for e-Visa or Tourist Visa
e-Visa or Tourist Visa cannot have access to Cambodian Driver's License. In this case, the customer cannot rent a car for his/her self-drive within insurance coverage. Please always ask for the Business Visa on the arrival at the airport's checkpoint or at any land checkpoint at the border. The Business Visa costs just $5.00 different from e-Visa or Tourist Visa. The customer must always ask for Business Visa, because the customer never knows what will happen, and the customer will be recommended to delay the trip and to stay more than one month in Cambodia. In another case, the customer can also ask to extend the Business Visa for one month or one year more for staying or looking for a job in Cambodia.
As there are many types of International Driver's Licenses, Lyna-CarRental Management Team takes two of them for consideration:
- Convention On Road Traffic Dated 8 November 1968
This convention is not acceptable for the Royal Government of Cambodia as it did not mention the names of the countries which allow the holder of this driver’s license to drive a car in Cambodia.
- In the event that the holder has it on hand and would like to drive a car in Cambodia, he/she is allowed to take a car for a self-drive at his/her own risk as it is outside the insurance coverage.
- Convention On Road Traffic Dated 19 September 1949
This convention is acceptable for the Royal Government of Cambodia as it mentions the name of the countries which allow the holder of this driver’s license to drive a car in Cambodia.
If the holder would like to do a self-drive, please take this one from your country. It is very useful in Cambodia for a self-drive as it is inside the insurance coverage.
- The quoted prices shown on the internet did not include fuel – Firstly, Lyna-CarRental Management Team supplies the customer with full tank of fuel.
- The customer will load it in tank when necessary. On the last day of the service, the customer is required to refill the full tank.
- Unlimited Mileages: Locations and destinations do not matter. The customer may go as far as he/she like.
- Petrol: The grade must be 95 (Super, Gold or Excellium) as recommended by the respective stations such as PTT, CALTEX, and TOTAL, and must not be of other grades sold elsewhere.
- Diesel: The customer can buy it from any station except the one loaded in bottle or can sold elsewhere.
- The supplied vehicle shall be in good condition, with a full tank of fuel, equipped with spare wheel, lifting jack, tools and wheel spanner. The customer shall return the vehicle with the same level of fuel and the same condition as it was. We strongly recommend the mere use of premium recognized brand of fuel and lubricants.
- The customer shall pay USD1,000.00 to the owner as a down payment as a security deposit (Refundable Deposit) for either daily or monthly rental fee before the delivery of vehicle(s) by cash or by Credit Cards (Visa, Western Union, and/or ACLEDA Unity) at Lyna-CarRental Office for the car reservation. The security deposit is intended for preventing any breach against the rental agreement. When all obligations of customer under the rental agreement are completely performed, the security deposit shall be returned to customer in 100 per cent, if no any breach against of the rental agreement is committed.
- All vehicles shall be insured by the insurance company in Cambodia only for
comprehensive insurance coverage which includes:
- All vehicles shall be insured by the insurance company in Cambodia only for
- Third Party Liability (TPL)
- Own Damage (OD),
- Theft
- Passenger Liability (PL), and
- Accident to the Driver (AD)
- An insurance excess/deductible is between US$50.00 to US$100.00 per case of accident.
- In case of vehicle loss or stolen, the customer shall pay an additional 20% of the vehicle insurance cost.
- When the rented vehicle is damaged within the coverage areas of 50km from Phnom Penh radius, Lyna-CarRental shall replace it with another one of the same rental fee without extra charge.
- In the event that the rented vehicle is damaged by traffic accident or unintentional damage beyond the coverage area of 50 Km from Phnom Penh radius, a car replacement fee shall be paid with the amount of USD0.7 per kilometer according to the distance in kilometer indicated by the mileage counter.
- The customer shall pay for the repair fee set by the owner if the damage caused by the customer’s abuse and is not covered by the insurance.
- Any loss in excess not covered by the insurance policy over the vehicles will be covered by customer. This will be referred to herein as self-insurance (“Self Insurance”). The customer shall pay owner the excess loss within 5-working days. Late payment shall be charged at 17% of the payment, per annum.
- During the term of this rental, customer shall maintain the vehicles with Lyna-CarRental assigned garage and at a minimum Lyna-CarRental a monthly inspection of the vehicles undertaken by Lyna-Garage or its partners.
- Customer shall use and operate the vehicles only in the regular and ordinary course of its normal business operation, within its normal capacity, and in accordance with all applicable governmental laws and regulations.
- The vehicles shall be used only by skilled operators, in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions without abuse, and in a manner contemplated by the manufacturer, and customer shall not, make any modification, alteration or addition to the vehicles without the express written consent of owner.
- Customer shall do at its own expense maintain the vehicles in good operating condition repair and appearance, taking into account normal wear and tear over which customer has no control, and shall use all reasonable precaution to prevent damage, injury or theft with regard to the vehicles.
- Owner shall have the rights at any time to carry out inspection of the vehicle, and shall be entitled, should owner be of the option that there is evidence of neglect or abuse of the vehicles, to terminate the rental agreement, and/or to effect, at the expense of customer, any repairs or maintenance owner considers necessary.
- The principal physical location of storage of the vehicles for the evening shall be at the lot of customer’s address. This location shall not be changed without the owner’s prior written consent.
- From delivery of the vehicles to customer until such time as the vehicles may be returned to and accepted by owner. Customer shall assume and bear the entire risk of loss, damage, theft and destruction of the vehicles. No loss, damage, theft or destruction of the vehicles shall relieve customer in any way from its obligations under the rental agreement. Customer shall promptly notify owner in writing of any loss, damage, theft, or destruction of the vehicle.
- Throughout the term of the rental agreement, the vehicles, shall remain in the possession and under the control of customer, and shall not be sublet to or used by any third party, and the rights and obligations of customer under the rental agreement shall not be assigned.
- Customer shall indemnify and hold owner harmless from any liability, loss, injury, damage, cost and expense (including all taxes, duties, registrations, tickets, registration fees, and attorney’s fees) of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the vehicles. This indemnity shall not be affected or terminated by reason of the termination of the rental agreement for any reason.
- Taking the vehicles out of the country or jurisdiction where Hirer accepted delivery of the vehicles is prohibited.
- Using vehicle for unlawful purposes is strictly unacceptable by Lyna-CarRental and customer shall be liable to any charge according to the law of the Royal Government of Cambodian.
- The owner reserves the rights to take the vehicles back at any time if the customer fails to perform his obligations and terms of agreement.
- Guarantor (if any) shall be responsible for the term and condition of the agreement in case any problem caused by the customer.
- Upon completion of the term of the rental agreement and if the customer does not return the vehicles, the agreement will automatically renew on a day-to-day basis based on the rental type accordingly, at the fair market rental amount, as determined by the owner. This will continue until the vehicle is returned to owner.
- PROHIBITION: No transport seafood, durian, smoke in the car are allowed. No open the window on the dusty road, otherwise, you will be imposed to charge...
No Durian allowed. US$100.00 will be imposed.
No Smoking allowed. US$100.00 will be imposed.
No Seafood allowed. US$100.00 will be imposed.
No Open the windows while driving on the dusty road. US$100.00 will be imposed.
Loss of key – USD80.00 including remote controller re-installation
Weekday: Monday – Saturday
Weekend: Sunday is closed
Working Hours: 08h00 - 17h00
Car Rental For Self-Driver
Car Rental For Self-Driver
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