1. Driver’s Working Days and Hours
1.1. Working Days: Monday to Saturday, Working Hours: From 0730 to 1200 and from 1330 to 1800. The break of 1 hour and 30 minutes is for lunch.
1.2. The driver’s working hours are exceptional for the driver of the tourist travelling from one province to another. In case of driving on Sunday or any Public Holiday, the customer will have to pay extra fee of $30/day as mentioned in the vehicle rental agreement.
2. Sunday/Public Holiday Driving
If the customer requires the driver to work on Sunday/Public Holiday, he/she will need to pay an extra daily rental fee of US$30 in addition to the daily rental fee.
3. Overtime Rate (OT)
Overtime payment of US$5 per hour will be applicable before 07:30 or after 18:00. It is payable to the owner with the second invoice of the daily/monthly driver’s hiring fee issued by the owner.
4. Driver’s Daily or Monthly Rental Rates
4.1. Daily Driving Service Rates: It ranges between $30 and $35 per day depending on the driver’s qualification and experience. They are mentioned in the price list posted on the website. The price includes the driver’s daily meal and accommodation when the driver fulfills his duty outside the normal stations.
4.2. Monthly Driving Service Rates: It ranges between $250 and $350 per month depending on the driver’s qualification and experience. They are also mentioned in the price list posted on the website. The price includes the driver’s daily meal and accommodation when the driver fulfills his duty outside the normal stations.
5. Overnight Stay Rate in The Province
The customer will pay extra Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) at the rate of US$30/night for the driver and payable to the owner prior to the departure, and the fee for the extended stay shall be paid with the next invoice on the arrival. This article is applicable to both the daily and monthly customer.
6. National Public Holidays For The Driver:
There are 12 National Public Holidays during a whole year. If the customer wishes to use the driving service during the holidays the customer will be required to pay more $30 per day:
6.1. International New Year Day - January 1 (1 day)
6.2. Cambodian New Year Days - April 13 | 14 | 15 (3 days)
6.3. National Pchum Ben Days - September . . . (3 days)
6.4. Water Festival Days - November . . . (3 days)
6.5. Christmas Days - December 24 - 25 (2 days)
- Refundable Deposit
The Refundable Deposit (RD) is a security deposit to deal with any breach of the rental agreement. When all of the obligations of customer under the rental agreement are fully accomplished, the security deposit shall be returned to the customer, if no any breach of rental agreement.
- Payment Procedure
- The customer can pay via cash/check/credit/master card to Tan Lyna (Ms), the business owner of Lyna-CarRental.
- For daily or monthly rental, the customer is required to pay in advance the rental fee in full amount plus refundable deposit and surcharge, if any. For the payment delay, the customer shall bear the extra payment of 17% over the total payment.
- In case of monthly rental extension to two months or more, the customer is required to pay in advance for the next rental fee in full amount and surcharge, if any, on the same day of the initial Vehicle Rental Agreement signature. For the payment delay, the customer shall bear the extra payment of 17% over the total payment.
- Dangerous Places, Situation Or Very Bad Road Condition
- Lyna-CarRental’s Team and its driver reserve the rights to refuse to travel in the dangerous places or along very bad condition road. If the customer still wants to go there, the customer shall take his/her own risk and agree to be responsible to cover all the expenses for the damages caused by the unforeseen accident.
- Unlimited Mileages
Lyna-CarRental is hiring out a vehicle with Unlimited Mileages, with most of the vehicles being initially in full tank. Therefore, the customer shall refill it upon returning the rented vehicle with the same level of fuel.
- Fuel Grade And Filling Stations Recommendations
We strongly recommend the use of premium grade (95 grade or Super) and the use of only the recognized brands of fuel such as: PTT, CALTEX, and TOTAL and lubricant for the rented vehicle.
- Share Of Responsibilities For Maintenance And Repair
- 12.1. Maintenance and Repair: – Free of Charge!
- 12.2.Other Vehicle Maintenance Services: Each service includes replacement of lubricant, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter and labor charges will be paid by the owner, and the service must be done in Phnom Penh only. Any extra charges which are not included in the maintenance service list will be paid by the customer.
- 12.3. If the vehicle can’t come to get the service at Lyna-Garage in Phnom Penh, the owner will provide the service of the maintenance at the site, but the customer shall pay for the transfer fee of vehicle replacement including the daily mechanic’s fee, and the fees of other services such as fuel, food, accommodation, overtime, and round-trip transport .
- 12.4. Vehicle Damage: In case of rented vehicle driven by an English-spoken driver, the owner will be responsible for the vehicle damage and all the related costs.
- 12.5. Compensation Deduction During Accident: It is under the owner’s responsibility.
- 12.6. The customer’s responsibility is nothing, except paying for the fuel of the hired vehicle.
- 12.7. Maintenance and Repair: All types of maintenance and repair services are under the owner’s responsibility!
- 12.8. The owner observes the rights at any case to carry out inspection of the rented vehicle. In case of actual of negligence or abuse from part of the customer, the owner has the rights to terminate the rental agreement, and all the related cost must be paid by the customer.
- 12.9. The owner reserves the rights to take the vehicles back at any time if the customer fails to perform the obligations as stated in the Terms and Conditions of Vehicle Rental Agreement.
- 12.10. In case of rented vehicle damage all related costs must be paid by the owner, but the customer must let the owner to deal with it.
- 13. Vehicle Rental Extension
- On completion of the Vehicle Rental Agreement, if the customer does not return the rented vehicle, the Vehicle Rental Agreement will be automatically extended on daily basis. The vehicle rental fee will be based on the standardized rental market price, or by the price imposed by the owner. It will continue until the vehicle is returned to the owner
- 14. Insurance Coverage
- 14.1. The vehicle rental shall be in compliance with full insurance coverage options such as:
- 14.1.1. Third Party Liability (TPL),
- 14.1.2. Passenger Liability (LP),
- 14.1.3.Own Damage (OD),
- 14.1.4.Accident to the Driver, and
- 14.1.5.Theft or Robbery.
- 14.1.1. Third Party Liability (TPL),
- 14.2. The owner will cover all expenses for the accident deduction/excess claims such as: 1. Third Party Liability (TPL), 2. Passenger Liability (LP), 3. Own Damage (OD), 4. Accident to the Driver, and 5. Theft or Robbery
- 15. Vehicle Rental Agreement Termination
- 15.1. The owner has the rights to terminate the lease, if the customer breaches of Vehicle Rental Agreement. The owner shall notify the customer in written form.
- 15.2. In case of vehicle rental agreement breaches or late payment, there will be a penalty of 17% over the total payment.
- 15.3. The owner has the rights to end the vehicle rental agreement without any delay, if the customer seriously breaches this agreement. The owner reserves the rights to claim remedies or file a complaint to the court in accordance with the law of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The owner can repossess the vehicle and requires the customer’s compensation, and the customer has no rights to ask for the compensation.
- 16.1. The customer will pay Value Added Tax and all other taxes, if any, and payable in accordance with the invoice or the charge list.
- 17. Extra Costs
- 17.1. The customer shall pay for the costs of ferry crossing fee, airport parking fee, tolls fee and minor repair cost such as: adding air to the tires, fixing flat tires, changing engine oil at every 3,000km or 2,000 miles, changing of oil filter at every 6,000km or 4,000 miles, replacing bulb, refilling air-con refrigerant, wheels alignment or balancing and cleanliness of the vehicle.
- 18. Use Of The Vehicle
- The Rented Vehicle Must Not Be Used:
- 19.1. By anyone else than the assigned customer or any other driver named on page 1;
- 19.2. By anyone else without holding a valid Cambodian Driver’s or International Driver’s Licenses of all types or anyone under 18 years old;
- 19.3. By someone else who need to extend hiring or rewarding;
- 19.4. For any illegal purpose;
- 19.5. For racing, pace-making, speed testing or teaching someone for a drive;
- 19.6. For drunk driver or driver addicted with drugs;
- 19.7. For driving outside the Kingdom of Cambodia without the permission of the owner;
- 19.8.In overloading passengers;
- 19.9. In propelling or towing any other vehicle or trailer;
With Best Luck And A Wonderful Trip In Cambodia!
1. No load of durian is allowed or else the fine of US$100 will be imposed. - 2. No smoking is allowed or else the fine of US$100 will be imposed.
- 3. No load of seafood is allowed or else the fine of US$100 will be imposed.
- 4. No opening the windows while driving on the dusty road or else the fine of US$100 will be imposed.
- 5. No loss of the key in the contrary there will be a fine of USD80 including remote controller re-installation
Weekday: Monday – Saturday
Weekend: Sunday is closed
Office Working Hours: 0800 - 1700
1. Making a Cambodian Driver’s License by converting your National or International Driver’s License.
2. Depositing one of your valid Passports for your personal insurance purpose, because it is the requirement from the Insurance Company.
3. Depositing the Refundable Deposit in the amount between $500.00 to $1,000.00 according to the years and models of the vehicles.
4. FUEL: The quoted prices [FUEL] is not included – Firstly, Lyna-CarRental.Com’s office will supply the Renter a full tank of [FUEL].
5. The [RENTER] will refill it when it is necessary. On the last day of the Service, the [RENTER] is requested to refill the tank of [FUEL] in full.
6. INSURANCE: Comprehensive Insurance Coverage, such as: 2.1. Third Party Liability (TPL), 2.2. Passenger Liability (PL), 2.3. Theft, 2.4. Own Damage (OD), and 2.5. Accident to the Driver (AD).
7. UNLIMITED MILEAGE: Locations and Destinations
8. PROHIBITION: No transport seafood, durian, smoke in the car are allowed. No open the window on the dusty road, otherwise, you will be imposed to charge...
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