Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Use the passport while renting a car for a self-drive and travelling in Cambodia

  1. Most of our cars are bound with the insurance company requirement, this means that the insurance company requires to all the foreign drivers to deposit one of the passports.
  1. The hotel check-in requires only a copy of the passport, not the original one.
  1. While travelling around Cambodia, the passport won’t be required by the local authorities except when crossing the border. So when the passport is asked to show, you shouldn’t show them the original one, or else it won’t be returned to you until your payment is done on demand.
  1. Bring a passport along with you while travelling in Cambodia is very dangerous, as you will face a pick pocket or the gangster who can steal it from the car or bag.
  1. There is another option, if you would not like to deposit your passport, you are requested to increase the refundable deposit with the amount ranging between $500 and $2,500.

As usual, most of our customers always keep one of their passports here without any hesitation because we have given them the whole car which costs much more than that of his/her passport. We and the customers shall trust each other. This is the way by which we run the business.

Normally, the passport should not be kept with you while travelling from place to another, or else you will be robbed of your passport on the way. Keeping the passport with us is safer, because it will be located and locked in a single. 

The foreign passport will never be used for any other purposes in Cambodia, except you are renting a motorbike or a car for a self-drive. The policemen or local authorities here will never ask for your original passports, and you should also not give the original passport to them, otherwise, it won’t be returned to you until you give them a certain amount of money according to their demand.

There are three options for that you would not like to leave us your passport:  

Option One: Leave your passport + a Refundable Deposit between $500 and $1,000
Option Two: Take a car supplied with an English-spoken driver
Option Three: Pay your increased Refundable Deposit with amount ranging between $500 and $2,500

Actually, we do not have any branch office in the provinces, such as:
1. Siem Reap,
2. Battambang,
3. Sihanouk Ville,
4. Kampot, and
5. Kep
Mostly we could deliver the rented car in Phnom Penh whereas the delivery is charged $150 and the pickup is also charged $150.

  • Please call us at least one hour in advance of your arrival to our Phnom Penh office, if you happen to return the rented car on Sunday, because our office closes on Sunday . . .
  •  Do not pickup or return a rented car during lunch time at around

12:00 PM or 1:30 p.m., because our office is closed for lunch at that time

  •  Never call us after working hours namely after 8:00 p.m. . .
  • as in the meantime we have to relax

The rental period is counted on a daily basis (e.g. Monday is one day, Tuesday is one day, Wednesday is another day). 

The hotel check-in can be done at any time from the morning untill 5:00 a.m. and so on, but the check-out must be at 12:00 p.m. The only different thing is that the vehicle-return time (similar to the hotel check-in) is always by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the vehicle rental agreement. 

Here are the following examples: 

  1. . If you take the rented car out for one day, let's say on Monday for example at 12:00 PM, (whereas our office opens from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM), you will be requested to take the car back to our office by 5:30 PM on the same day and the car rental will be counted as one full day. 
  2. . If you take the car out for three days, let's say on Monday even at 12 p.m., Tuesday, and Wednesday, you will be requested to turn it back to our office on the last day (Wednesday) before 5:30 p.m. 
  3. . One-month rental shall be considered as equaling 30 days and you will be requested to return the car on the 30th day by 5:30 p.m.


  1. . Deposit a valid passport with entry visa (Business types) for your insurance purpose. Since we have paid for our annual car insurance you don’t need to accomplish an extra payment, but you will be required by the insurance company to prove or have your passport and visa validated in accordance with the insurance policy in case of unexpected accidents.
  2. . Leave us a legible valid National or International Driver's License in English to prove it at the General Department of Public Work and Transport so as to get your Cambodian Driver's License temporarily replaced by a new one.
  3. . Get your Cambodian Driver's License renewed or have its expiry date extended.
  4. . Leave 6 sheets of passport-size photos - If you do not have any of them, our office can make some for you just within a few minutes with the cost of $2.  
  5. . Price: $60.00 - Our office will issue for you a Provisional Driver's License Receipt in a few minutes, then you can immediately start driving around in Cambodia.
  6. . The Real Cambodian Driver's License is valid for only one year but renewable. It can be renewed in a week at the latest. It could be sent to your country with the additional postage charge of $5.


  1. . Deposit a valid passport with entry visa (of all kinds) for your insurance purpose. Since we have already paid for the annual insurance service for you, you don’t need to pay for this, but in case of automotive or traffic accident your valid passport and visa will be required by the insurance company to deal with this issue in accordance with the insurance policy.
  2. . Get your valid Cambodian Driver's License photocopied on both sides
  3. . Deposit the Refundable amount ranging between $500 and $1,000
  4. . Price: $60 - Our office will provide you with a Provisional Driver's License within a few minutes, then you can immediately start driving around in Cambodia.

Note: In the event that you do not have a legible English national or international driver's license, you must have it endorsed by the Embassy.

In this case, your booking fee won't be refunded.

Such non-refundable deposit is proved by one of our colleagues’ past experience as follows:  Once on Wednesday, December 23, 2015, she missed her flight from Norway to France where she needed to celebrate a Christmas party with her relatives there, and that round-trip flight fee was $600. The missed flight was caused by an traffic accident: One car had hit another and this made a heavy traffic jam for two hours. Due to this she went to the flight company at the airport in Kristandsand inquiring the next flight if any in case her flight ticket could be extended. Unfortunately, she was required to buy another one. Therefore the current flight ticket was neither refundable nor extendable.

Of course. Since we do not have any branch offices in other provinces we have to spend one day to deliver a rented car from Phnom Penh to the proposed destinations. And it will take one day more to collect the dropped off rented car in place into Phnom Penh Office. So, it will take two days in total to delivery and collect the rented car. Then the 2-day expense is needed for the personnel’s meal and accommodation. So, we will charge you based on the distance between Phnom Penh and the destination, for detail:

  1. Sihanouk Ville $150.00
  2. Siem Reap province $150.00
  3. Battambang province $179.00
  4. . Koh Kong province $165.00

Since all of our cars are always ready to deliver you with full tank of fuel prior to the departure from Phnom Penh's Office, you are requested to either refill the full tank of fuel or repay us between $75 & $85 as the cost of such a fully refilling tank when arriving to Phnom Penh Office and when releasing the car to the owner.

Because we are the only one renting you a car for either a self-drive or a supplied with an English-spoken driver and with unlimited mileages.

Not at all! Except the special chartered taxi and city tour services.

  1. . Do not drive on high way at night - There may be animals or wildlife lying on the road, or it is possible that vehicles such as ox cart, trailer, lorry/truck, and motorbike can also park on the road without switching on the warning light.
  2. . There may also be drunk people or gangsters driving badly or coming to hit you.
  3. . You will face the need to be beware of cross road that can cause traffic accident  
  4. . Over taking often causes traffic accident as the roads in Cambodia are mostly rough and narrow.


No. The Royal Government of Cambodia and the local insurance agency require you to temporarily exchange it with the Cambodian one. Lyna-CarRental.Com's office can deal with it for you, and it will take only a few minutes to get National or International Driver's License replaced by the Cambodian Driver's License. After a few minutes, you can immediately start driving around in Cambodia.

  • Self-drive is risky here! If your mind is cool, it will be a very good and have more privacy to do a self-drive. In contrary if you are distracted while driving you will face multiple problems. Therefore, we advise you to take it with a supplied English-spoken driver.


  • The driver knows all interesting places around Cambodia even he drives under the cave, under the water and on the ground. The driver will guide you all around.  


  • The breakdown coverage radius which is limited within 50 Km away from Phnom Penh, the roadside assistance and the cost of repair are our responsibility if your decided to take it with a supplied English-spoken driver.


  •  For a self-drive option: If the drive is outside the coverage areas (more than 50 Kilometers), we still can help you but the roadside assistance service is charged at the rate of $0.75/Km. Also you could have it towed to Phnom Penh office where you will pay only for the towing fee whereas the rest of the repair costs are our responsibilities. 


  •  According to our personal experience, the car breakdown is very rare if you do the following daily general performance checks in the morning before starting the car:  


  1. Check the level of water in the radiator and reservoir to see if they are at low level.   
  2. Check the level of lubricant and refill it when it is at low level.  
  3. Check the level of brake fluid and refill it when it is at low level.  
  4. Check the quality of belts system and replace it when it bad
  5. Check the fans performance before closing the hood.

If you are very new to Cambodia, we would like to recommend you taking a car with a supplied English-spoken driver. The driver could bring you around in Cambodia, because the driver knows everywhere and every interesting places.

If you happen to return the car on Sunday, you are requested to call us one hour in advance of your arrival to the neighboring area of Phnom Penh, and you will also be requested to pay additional $10 for input of our employee’s over time work payment on Sunday.

None of your responsibility for this. The driver will deal with it

You will have to call directly to the insurance agency representatives, tell them the scene, wait them, and report them what have happened but do not escape from the spot of accident.

Yes, if you pay him overtimes, he will be very happy to work overtimes.

Before 7:30 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m.

The OT payment is $3 per hour for regular customer (the customer who takes monthly car rental) and $5.00 per hour for business meeting, party or for tourism purpose.

Not at all! He will pay for meal and accommodation by himself. In rare case if the driver unexpectedly loses way in the remote/hidden area or you leave him in an unknown place for your private drive where there is no restaurant and affordable guesthouse you will be requested to pay him.

Yes, there is full insurance coverage for all of our cars.

There are:

  1. Third Party Liability (TPL),
  2. Own Damage (OD),
  3. Passenger Liability (PL),
  4. Accident to the Driver (AD), and
  5.  Theft/robbery.

There are: 

  1.  Third Party Liability (TPL) $100  
  2.  Passenger Liability (PL) $100 
  3.  Accident to the Driver (AD) $100 
  4. Own Damage (OD) $1005. Theft 20%.

Of course, you could do either for a self-drive or take a car with a supplied professional English-spoken driver.

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